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Six Confirmed Deaths in Vietnam

Recombinomics Commentary
August 13, 2004.

Media reports have provided more details on the six confirmed or suspect avian flu deaths in Vietnam.  Two of the confirmed cases are in the north.  One was a 4M who died August 2.  His family ate sick chickens, but no other family members have shown symptoms.  Another confirmed death was a 1F who died August 4.  Her family raised geese. Both of these patients were from Ha Tay province.  A third patient has been hospitalized, but reports do not indicated if the third patient in Ha Tay is related to the two confirmed deaths in the north.

In this south, there have been four deaths.  One of the four has been confirmed.  The 23F died on August 2.  The other three fatalities from Hau Giang province died before samples could be collected.  However, one of the three was the brother,19M, of the confirmed fatality.  The other two suspected cases were also young adults. There are two additional cases hospitalized in the south, one from Hau Giang and one from Tra Vinh.

Thus, at this time there is only one reported family with multiple fatalities.  Relationships between the hospitalized patient in Ha Tay and the two confirmed fatalities there, or between the patient in Hau Giang and the four confirmed or suspected fatalities there, has not been reported.

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