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H5N1 Suspect Cikelet Patients in Garut Cluster Increase
Recombinomics Commentary

August 20, 2006

In the meantime, the number suspect bird flu from the Cikelet Village, improved 4 people. They were Risma (4), the citizen of the Village of Table Sand, Yana (50) the citizen Kp.Rancasalak, Ai Rohimah (10), the citizen of the Jojoh Village, and Memen (60), the citizen of the Cibeunteur Village, Dese Cikelet, Kec. Cikelet. Risma has been in RSU Dr. Slamet since struck 1.30 WIB, whereas two suspect other still was treated intensively in the Cikelet Community Health Centre

The above translation describes the steady increase in suspect H5N1 bird flu patients in the Cikelet village of Garut, West Java.  Three patients have been confirmed to be H5N1 positive, and they are linked to family members who died as early as July 31.

The largest cluster is linked to the first confirmed case, Unar Aup, who is recovering.  However, his cousin, Misbah, died on August 5 with bird flu symptoms.  Local media reports indicate that Rubiah (13F) was Misbah’s sister, who died August 1.  Another sibling, Risman (5), has also been admitted with bird flu symptoms.

Similarly, Euis Lina, 35F, has also been confirmed, and her daughter, Dea (9F) also died earlier with a typhus misdiagnosis.  The linkage of earlier deaths to confirmed H5N1 cases strongly suggests more efficient transmission of H5N1 to humans, resulting in a large number of patients hospitalized or dying with bird flu symptoms.

More information on the new cases, as well as sequence information of the new isolates, would be useful.

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