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H3N2v Cluster Linked To Dakota County Minnesota
Recombinomics Commentary 22:15
August 20, 2012

Minnesota has recorded its first confirmed case and a second probable case of a new influenza strain that people acquire through contact with pigs.

The two cases were reported in a pre-school-age child and an older sibling from a family living in the Twin Cities metro area. Both children developed symptoms of the illness two days after the family visited a live animal market in Dakota County on Aug. 10. Neither child required hospitalization, and both are recovering.

Both children were tested for the virus that causes the new flu strain, but only the younger child tested positive. However, the older child is considered a “probable” case, based on the child’s history of flu-like illness and the family connection to the younger child.

The above comments from a Minnesota Department of Health press release describe a confirmed and probable case who visited a live market in Dakota County two days prior to symptom onset.  Although the visit is implicated based on incubation time, no data are presented on swine contact or symptomatic swine.

Once again the “swine exposure” drives testing of cases with ILI who would usually not be tested without swine exposure.  These are the first two reported H3N2v cases in Minnesota this year.

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