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Paradigm Shift Intervention Monitoring | Audio: Jan28 Apr21
Commentary Sumatra Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Deaths Continue to Increase Recombinomics Commentary 23:15 August 22, 2008 Tanjungbalai (SIB) one person more the sufferer of the dengue fever illness (DBD) that was treated in RSU the Mansyur Tanjungbalai Tank died, on Thursday night (21/8). Casualties who died that, Wagi Anto (6 years) the inhabitants of the Serojoh Kelurahan Shoal the Kecamatan Sei Tualang Raso Tanjungbalai Turret shrine. Wagi Anto (6) the child was from the fisherman Yadi treated in RSU Tengku Mansyur for 5 days, but the condition for casualties increasingly worsened because of experiencing the bleeding from the nose and the anus. The 7 casualties DBD yan died that, Junita (7), Dara(5), Maulana Safira (5), Safrianti (6), Wagia Anto (6), Bahdani (7) and Rama Dinar (4). The above translation descibes additional deaths of patients in North Sumatra. Although there have been H5N1 poultry deaths in the area, these patients, who are dying with bird flu symptoms, are said to be victims of dengue hemorrhagic fever. These is no indication that the diagnossi of any of these patients has been laboratory confirmed. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a frequent misdiagnosis for H5N1 including clusters. Similarly, the WHO team investigating the deaths of three other victims have not commented on the cause of death and WHO has not acknlwdged the lab confimred H5N1 fatalities of victims infected in July. The continued silence by WHO and the increasing death of patients in the area with bird flu symptoms continues to be cause for concern. Media Links Recombinomics Presentations Recombinomics Publications Recombinomics Paper at Nature Precedings |
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