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USDA Releases First July H3N2 Swine Sequences - Ohio
Recombinomics Commentary 13:15
August 27, 2012

The USDA has released the first swine H3N2 sequence from a sample collected in July 2012.  The Ohio isolate, A/swine/Ohio/A01203624/2012, which was collected July 12, which is the same day the H3N2v isolate from Mauii, A/Hawaii/03/2012, was collected, which was 4 days prior to the collection date for the four isolates from the LaPorte cluster (A/Indiana/06/2012, A/Indiana/07/2012, A/Indiana/08/2012, A/Indiana/09/2012) and 15 days prior to the collection date for the first isolate from the Butler County cluster, A/Ohio/13/2012.

Although the July Ohio swine isolate had an H3 from the same lineage as the 2012 H3N2v sequences, this lineage was also found in the human 2010 and 2011 H3N2v cases), the MP sequence matched the 2010 H3N2v cases and the N2 was from the same lineage as one of the 2010 H3N2v cases, A/Pennsylvania/14/2010.

Thus, like the four June isolates from Ohio (A/swine/Ohio/1/2012, A/swine/Ohio/6/2012, A/swine/Ohio/7/2012, A/swine/Ohio/9/2012), which match the first 10 human H3N2v cases from 2011, the Ohio swine sequences collected just prior to the explosion of H3N2v cases in July and August, the swine isolates fail to match the 25 sequences from these cases (from Hawaii, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin) which match the three prior cases (from West Virginia and Utah).  The novel sub-clade in the 2012 human cases has only been detected in two swine isolate (from North Carolina and Indiana), which creates serious discordance.

Moreover, swine sequences, including June and July, 2012 sequences from Ohio, match the human isolates from 2010 and 2011, yet these recent swine sequences have not produced any recent human cases.  All human H3N2v isolates in 2011 and 2012 had an MP gene segment which matched H1N1pdm09, and all 2012 human isolates had an NA gene segment which matched the final two cases in 2011 (the West Virginia day care cluster with no swine contact).

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