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H3N2v Pennsylvania Cases Increase to 41 in 5 Counties
Recombinomics Commentary 22:45
September 6, 2012

Huntingdon (32), Blair (1) Lancaster (1), Mifflin (1), Somerset (6)

The Pennsylvania Department of Health website on H3N2v cases have updated cases to the above totals, which cites 11 confirmed and 30 probable.  The numbers are due to two more probable cases linked to the Somerset County Fair.  There are 35 cases linked to the Huntingdon County Fair  The above totals are from the September 6, 2012 update.
The H3N2v cases are distributed in 5 different counties. 

In addition the PADOH has issued a Health Advisory because of the Somerset cluster.

The steady increases in Somerset cases raises concerns of community transmission.  An anectdotal report from an attendee of the Penn State University / Ohio University football game cites ILI  three days after game (with almost 100,000 attendees).  A serious CDC would call attendees in a telephone survey for ILI cases (without swine exposure).

One set of sequences, A/Pennsylvania/13/2012, collected August 13 has been released.  It is closley related to the other 42 July/August H3N2v sequences, signaling human clonal expansion.

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