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Suspect MERS Cluster In Trabzon Turkey ex-Riyadh KSA
Recombinomics Commentary 23:45
September 10, 2013

Revealed the Saudi ambassador in Turkey just Mirdad for the death of Saudi woman in middle age in a hospital in Trabzon suspected of being infected with HIV Coruna.

said in a statement «East» that there are five cases suffered ill and entered the hospital, including diseased heart was organized work her out, as has been transfer of three other cases of eviction medical to the Kingdom, in addition to the case of death.

The above translation describes five suspect MERS-CoV cases in Trabzon, Turkey (see map), including a fatal case.  At least three of the surviving cases are being transported back to Riyadh.  If confirmed, these cases would represent the second example of export of MERS-CoV following Ramadan.

Earlier, Qatar confirmed its first case (59M), who had developed symptoms on August 15, the day he returned from Medina.  Although he did not travel to Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah during Ramadan and did not visit the Grand Mosque in Medina, his infection appeared to be linked to a hospital in Medina.  Moreover, Qatar reported two additional cases (29M and 74M) with disease onset on August 17 and 18.  Both of these confirmed cases died.

The export of cases following Ramadan had been a concern, due to an influx of pilgrims, crowded conditions, and increased travel, including the departure of pilgrims.  In addition to the suspect cases in Turkey as well as the confirmed cases in Qatar, KSA has reported growing clusters centered in Medina, Riyadh, and Batin.  The KSA has issued four reports between September 5 and 10, and each report described four confirmed cases, most of which were linked. These clusters include family contacts as well as health care workers, raising concerns of multiple hospital outbreaks in these three cities.  These concerns have been increased by media reports of unconfirmed cases, which include those at military hospitals.

More detail on the relationships in these clusters would be useful.

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