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H3N2v Ohio Cases Increase to 106 in 25 Counties
Recombinomics Commentary 23:45
September 15, 2012

Ashland (1), Athens (8), Butler (17), Champaign (15), Clark (3), Fairfield (1), Franklin (4), Gallia (12), Greene (6), Hamilton (3), Henry (6), Huron (3), Jackson (1), Lake (1), Licking (2), Madison (1), Medina (1), Monroe (2), Montgomery (4), Morrow (1), Preble (3), Richland (2), Ross (7), Union (1), Warren (1).

The above list represents the September 10 tally of H3N2v cases confirmed in Ohio by the Ohio Department of Health (ODH).  The number of cases increased from 102 to 106, while the number of counties remained at 25. 

Two counties (Montgomery and Preble) each added two cases

The continued increase in confirmed counties supports efficient human to human transmission, CDC qualifiers notwithstanding.

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