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Suspect H5N1 Case in Tanta, Egypt
Recombinomics Commentary 13:26
September 22, 2008

Britain's Ministry of Health in Egypt in the emergence of a new human case of bird flu, a 45-year-old woman West province.

The official said the Egyptian Health Ministry in a statement today that the Directorate of Medical Affairs Western Province received notification from the hospital admitted the arrival of Mahala housewife called Huda Noah Shish share the status of the village of Tanta suffer from very high temperature and bone pain after taking a sample of blood for analysis labs Central show bird flu.

The above translation describes a suspect H5N1 case in Egypt.  There have been no confirmed cases this season, but birds in the area have tested positive for H5N1 and the above translation suggests she has also tested positive.

H5N1 has been endemic in Egypt, in spite of an aggressive vaccine program.  Last season a vaccine resistant strain arose, but none of the human sequences from last season have been released, so the relationship between the new sub-clade, which was found in Egypt and Israel, and the human cases from last season remain unclear.

More information on the latest cases, and release of sequences from last season, would be useful.

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