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HPAI H5N1 Confirmed in Saxony Germany
Recombinomics Commentary 17:25
October 10, 2008

In the establishment affected there are 800 geese, 550 ducks, 60 chicken and 24 turkeys.

There were no movements of animals into or out of the holding concerned within the last 21 days.

The detection of HPAI H5N1 was performed in relation to routine laboratory investigation.

With several animals referring to the bird flu virus were present. “It was not only a duck”, said district administrator long one.

The above comments from the recently file OIE report, and the media translation described the HPAI H5N1 outbreak in Saxony
(see satellite map) .  The H5N1 PCR positive was initially found in one duck, but the media report indicates more birds have tested positive, and throat swabs have been collected with humans linked to he outbreak.

The finding of HPAI H5N1 increases the likelihood that the H5N1 will be clade 2.3 (Fujian) although the outbreak may be a re-emergence of the clade 2.2 (Qinghai / Uvs Lake strain), which was widespread in Europe, including Germany, last season.

Clade 2.3 was reported last spring for South Korea, Japan, and Russia, which included wild bird outbreaks in Japan and Russia, raising concerns of migration of cladxe 2.3 to Europe this season.

Sequence data on these new infections in Germany would be useful.

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