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Nosocomial MERS Cluster In Jubail KSA
Recombinomics Commentary 23:55
October 26, 2013

Ministry announces the registration of three cases infected with the virus in the Eastern Province.

First of citizenship at the age of 83 years, close contact with a confirmed case and has several chronic diseases and receive intensive care treatment and in stable condition.

Second resident working in the health sector at the age of 54 years old, and has a chronic illness and receiving treatment for intensive care and in a stable condition.

Third citizen at the age of 49 years, receiving intensive care treatment and his condition is stable.

The above translation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health (KSA-MoH) website, describes three confirmed MERS cases in the Eastern Province, which follows an announcement of an Eastern Province case from Riyadh.

Local media reports indicate the index case (54M) was hospitalized in Jubail (see map) and died this week.  An additional media reports describes a suspect case in his 80’s who has been hospitalized for a month in Jubail.  Another media report describes another suspect case, who was a health care worker who was also hospitalized in Jubail.
Thus media reports indicate three of the four confirmed cases are in Jubail, which is the likely location of the fourth confirmed case.

These data support a nosocomial cluster in Jubail, raising concerns of further spread in the hospital.

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