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Suspect H5N1 Patients in Egypt Continue to Increase
Recombinomics Commentary
October 30, 2006

A suspected case of human bird flu has been reported in the northern Egyptian governorate of Gharbiyah, raising the number of possible infected humans in the area to five, al-Ghomhuria reported, citing a local

A 23-year-old woman in the city of Tanta was suspected of having symptoms of avian flu and was transported to a local hospital

The above translation indicates that the number of suspect bird flu cases in the Gharbiyah governorate continue to rise.  The only confirmed case (39F) from
Samanoud has died today, one month after developing symptoms.  The H5N1 HA sequence from this patient has been released, and it has a polymorphisim, M230I, which is adjacent to the receptor binding domain.

Although reports on the latest fatality cite negative tests on relatives, the increasing number of hospitalized patients in the area is cause concern.

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