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Ukraine Orders Mobile Military Hospitals  for H1N1 Caseload
Recombinomics Commentary 18:52
October 30, 2009

Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko ordered the Defense Ministry to prepare a mobile military hospitals.

According to an UNIAN correspondent, he told reporters.

V. Yushchenko said that today should provide the necessary number of places for patients.

The president said the Defense Ministry order for the deployment of mobile mobile hospitals, which will be raised if necessary.

Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko has said that drugs to combat pandemic influenza A/H1N1 long enough, but he would ask the world community, if the need arises for additional resources.

The above comments describe additional preparations for handling the growing number of hospitalized patients in the Ukraine (see map).  Local television and radio reports describe a doubling of reported cases (from 37,923 to over 80,000) in a 24 hour period, potentially taxing health care delivery.  Some health care workers have also been infected.

Samples have been sent to London for analysis and a permanent link to WHO has been established.  The situation appears to be quite fluid and transmission could be exacerbated by the upcoming holiday weekend.

Sequence data is eagerly awaited.

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