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H5N1 G743A Recombinants in Egypt
Recombinomics Commentary 21:19
November 06, 2008

Sequences from H5N1 Egyptian isolates collected during the 2006/2007 season were recently released at Genbank.  Earlier, the HA sequences from these isolates demonstrated that five of the poultry isolates from Beni Suef had a 3 BP deletion, which matched the deletion in H5N1 from patients in Beni Suef and adjacent governorates, including Fayoum.  Additional HA sequences from human isolates from the 2007/2008 season were also recently released, and two of the Fayoum isolates, A/Egypt/2289-NAMRU3/2008 and A/Egypt/2549-NAMRU3/2008 also had the 3 BP deletion, indicating the deletion was stable and present in Egypt for the past two seasons.  This deletion was appended onto an Egyptian clade 2.2 background and the deletion matched H5N1 poultry from Hunan province in China.  The presence of the same 3 BP deletion on two different genetic backgrounds supports acquisition via homologous recombination.

Two of the earlier Egyptian isolates with the 3 BP deletion also had G743A on the NA sequence.  The acquisition of G743A also represents another recombination event because it was present on multiple genetic backgrounds in Egypt, and all of the acquisitions were in early 2007.  Two of the NA sequences which were recently released, A/chicken/Egypt/R2/2007 and A/chicken/Egypt/R5/2007, also had G743A.  Although these isolates also had the 3 BP deletion, they were phylogentically distinct from the human isolates described earlier.  Thus, there are now four isolates with the 3 BP deletion, which map onto two separate branches, signally two independent events (see list below).

These two events are in additional to the other H5N1 isolates which represent 3 additional independent events.  Thus, in Egypt there are 8 H5N1 isolates with G743A, representing 5 genetic backgrounds which acquired G743A in early 2007.  These events, like the same acquisitions in Russia, Kuwait, Ghana, and Nigeria signal acquisition of the same single nucleotide polymorphism by homologous recombination.

G743A in Bold

3 BP Deletion Branch 1


3 BP Deletion Branch 2


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