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Suspect H5N1 Cluster in Riau Indonesia Grows

Recombinomics Commentary
November 9, 2007

MN patient suspect flu burung origin Duri that died on Tuesday (6/11) past positive suffer from virus flu burung.

In addition to those five residents Duri other was stated suspect flu burung, individually Baby who has the initials MB (8 months) who this evening enter to room diagnostic flu burung RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru, after that/furthermore AI (2), RM (5), MR (20), SM (23). AI, RM and MB form older sibling having a younger brother or sister and MR Aunt them whereas SM form neighbor MN. For the moment that U (41) and LI (32) that form second person mature third child aforementioned stated under investigation.

According to official statement Kasubdis Pelayanan Health and Gizi Dinas Health Province Riau H Burhanuddin Agung, fifth resident Duri now was stated suspect due to the fact that have symptoms that equal with characteristics patient flu burung.

The above translation confirms that earlier suspect patient (MN) has tested positive for H5N1.  A baby (MB) has been admitted. The baby was a neighbor of the index case.  Several additional family members (older siblings and aunt) have now also been hospitalized.

The dramatic increase in the  number of suspect patients, as well as H5N1 confirmation of the index case, remain cause for concern.

The article also suggests that WHO is sending a team to investigate.

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