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Symptoms in Neighbors of H5N1 Confirmed Case in Semarang
Recombinomics Commentary 19:32
November 12, 2008

Dinas Kesehatan of the City (ET AL) Semarang took the sample of three neighbours DS, casualties died with suspect bird flu. The three people who were taken the sample of his blood it was known experienced the high fever.

The three people who were taken the sample of his blood, namely Wd (8), Jf (10), and Ks (35). The taking of the sample of the blood was carried out, last Sunday (9/11).

Because since the death of casualties, there was his one resident that underwent treated inap in RSUP Kariadi Semarang since the last four days. Results of the temporary analysis, his resident was affected by the typhus illness.

The above translations describe symptoms in three neighbors of the H5N1 confirmed fatal case in Semarang.  In addition, another resident with symptoms has been hospitalized, but diagnosed as typhus.  In the past, several patients initially diagnosed as typhus were subsequently H5N1 confirmed.  In addition, the index case from one of the three clusters, which each included one confirmed H5N1 case, was also diagnosed with typhus.  Therefore, the information on the laboratory basis for the typhus diagnosis would be useful.

In addition to the testing of the seven family members or neighbors described above, investigators are assessing students at the senior high school of the fatal case.

More information on these subjects would be useful.

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