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H5N1 Migration In East Asian Flyway
Recombinomics Commentary 19:07
November 14, 2008

A full compliment of sequences from H5N1 isolates from wild birds in Hong Kong was released at Genbank.  All but one of the 29 isolates was collected in 2007 and 2008 and almost half had a clade 2.3.2 HA.  The clade 2.3.2 HA isolates were of interest because of the outbreaks in Japan, South Korea and Primorie in the spring of 2008.  The outbreak in South Korea was the largest reported to date, and that outbreak led to enhanced surveillance which identified sequences that were virtually identical in whooper swans at multiple locations in northern Japan.  Similar sequences were also found in southeastern Russia, which were also linked to wild birds.

The released sequences in Japan and Russia were unusual because although the HA was clade 2.3.2, the remaining gene segments were clade 2.3.4.  Related HA sequences were in 2005 isolates in Vietnam.  However, one 2007 isolate from Hong Kong, which was a vaccine target, was also related based on phylogenetic analysis.  This isolate, A/common magpie/Hong Kong 5052/2007, is among the released sequences (see below). The recently released sequences fill in the time gap with a number of recent clade 2.3.2 sequences.

Several of the isolates are closely related to the earlier NA sequences, indicating the Hong Kong sequences are also recombinants.  These relations are also present in PB2, PB1, and PA.  Thus, the wild bird sequences in Hong Kong in 2007/2008 are firmly linked to the outbreaks in Japan, South Korea, and Russia by virtue of sequence homology and reassortment.

These linkages provide additional data for H5N1 sequences that migrated within the east Asian flyway, which includes Hong Kong and the regions impacted by the H5N1 migration last spring.  These flyways and associated migration patterns can be used to predict new introductions as well as exchanges of genetic information via reassortment and recombination.

Clade 2.3.2 HA

Adjacent branch
A/common buzzard/Hong Kong/9213/2007
A/black-crowned night heron/Hong Kong/659/2008
A/little egret/Hong Kong/8550/2007

Branch 1
A/great egret/Hong Kong/807/2008
A/magpie robin/Hong Kong/1097/2008
A/magpie robin/Hong Kong/1987/2008
A/grey heron/Hong Kong/1046/2008

Branch 2
A/house crow/Hong Kong/5288/2007
A/Daurian startling/Hong Kong/1532/2007
A/red-billed startling/Hong Kong/4925/2007
A/common magpie/Hong Kong/5052/2007

Additional isolates
A/peregrine falcon/Hong Kong/1143/2007
A/little egret/Hong Kong/8550/2007

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