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Adenovirus Serotype 14 Spread in Civilian Hospitals in Oregon

Recombinomics Commentary
November 19, 2007

First encountered in 2005 in Oregon, the viral pneumonia frequently leads to hospitalization and has a 20% fatality rate, Paul Lewis, M.D., of the Oregon State Public Health Department, said at the Infectious Diseases Society of America meeting.

Recognition of the adenoviral pneumonia began with four patients hospitalized simultaneously at a Portland hospital. Upon comparing notes with physicians at area hospitals, Dr. Lewis and colleagues "almost fell out of our chairs because every hospital we called had recent severe and fatal cases of adenovirus disease."

The above comments from a conference report add additional detail for the civilian cases described in the Friday’s MMWR.  More details are in the meeting presentation of Dr Lewis.

Although the largest number of confirmed Adenovirus type 14 (Ad14) cases was in the northwest region of the US (Oregon and Washington), detection at military training centers was noted in early 2006.  The centers were located throughout the US and Ad14 detection rose to 100% of samples at MCRD San Diego in California, MCRD Parris Island in South Carolina, and Lackland AFB in Texas.  The high frequency of detection has remained high at Lackland where a 19 year old recruit has died after hospitalization for four months.

Partial sequencing of samples collected in 2006 and 2007 indicate the same Ad14 virus was involved in all regions.  The case numbers rose in the winter early spring in the locations with the largest number of cases, raising concerns of a significant outbreak in the upcoming months.

Although the number of fatal cases in young trainees was low, the case fatality rate for middle aged civilians was above 20%.

The emergence and spread of Ad14 remains a cause for concern.

Ad14 Emergence

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