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D225G in Fatal H1N1 Cases in Norway?
Recombinomics Commentary 14:05
November 20, 2009

Laboratory tests from 70 patients are examined, of which eight patients have died. Total is the mutation found in five of the patients. Two of them are dead, while the other three have been hospitalized with serious illness in intensive care units.

The new mutated virus thrives further down the respiratory system than the original. It shuts down the lungs of patients, which means more severe disease than the original virus, which first affects the throat and upper respiratory tract.

Since the new virus in the lungs and is only detected in patients who have been admitted to hospital, experts expect that it is less contagious than has affected most who are infected so far.

Both the vaccine and Tamiflu as a treatment will work also for this variant of the virus, "says director Geir Stene-Larsen at the NIPH.

The above translation suggests that D225G has been found in the lungs of dead and dying patients in Norway.  An investigation into the excessive H1N1 deaths in Norway had been ordered and a news conference has been called to discuss the "mutation".  The description sounds like the D225G found in fatal cases in Ukraine.

More information is anticipated.

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