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Uganda Ebola Spreads Toward Rwanda and Tanzania?
Recombinomics Commentary
December 2, 2007

Government officials told AFP that the disease, which flared in September, had spread to three new zones in the impoverished Bundibugyo district near the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Virologists were also investigating an isolated patient in the neighbouring Port Portale district as well as the fatality in Mbarara.

"There are fears that the disease has spread," said a top health ministry official, who requested to remain unnamed.

The above comments raise concerns that the Ebola outbreak in Uganda has spread.  Initial cases bordered the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and if the fatal case in Mbarara is positive, then the virus is approaching the borders of Rwanda and the United Republic of Tanzania.

The new strain may be a recombinant.  Thus far the case fatality rate is lower than that associated with prior Ebola strains, and there is less bleeding.  However, the infections and fleeing of health care workers indicates the virus may be more easily transmitted, increasing concerns of spread.

The source of the virus remains unclear, and initial cases may date back to September. 

However, the number of reported cases is rising and the above comments suggest the geographical reach may be increasing.  Fleeing health care workers will likely exacerbate the worsening situation.

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