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H5N8 Wigeons In Netherlands = Independent Introductions
Recombinomics Commentary
December 4, 2014 17:15

The Erasmus Medical Center (EMC) has released nearly complete H5 and N8 sequences (at GISAID) from two wigeon fecal samples (A/eurasian wigeon/Netherlands/emc-1/2014 and A/eurasian wigeon/Netherlands/emc-2/2014) collected on November 24, 2014 between  Kamerik and Kockengen (see map).  EMC is commended for the rapid release of these important sequences.

As noted by recent comments, the sequences are closely related to the November sequences in Europe (
A/turkey/Germany-MV/R2472/2014, A/duck/England/36254/14, A/chicken/Netherlands/14015526/2014 and A/chicken/Netherlands/14015531/2014) and wild birds in Japan (A/duck/Chiba/26-372-48/2014 and A/duck/Chiba/26-372-61/2014).  Although the wigeon sequences are closely related to the public sequences, they have unique markers indicating they are not linked to the above markers and represent an independent introduction.

Public sequences support independent introductions into each of the European countries, and at least 3 introductions into the Netherlands, firmly supporting wild bird sources.

Similarly, the H5N8 sequence data from Europe or wild birds in Japan suggests that the two outbreaks in Fraser Valley are also due to H5N8 from wild birds.  Like the Netherlands outbreaks, the outbreaks were in unlinked farms and produce a high mortality in chickens and turkeys.

The delay in announcing the N8 in Canada or the sequence similarities with Fujian H5N8 also supports a serious spreading outbreak in Canda, which will have implications throughout the Americas.

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