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Fatal H5N1 Suspect Case in Semarang Indonesia
Recombinomics Commentary 00:47
December 6, 2008

a Semarang inhabitant died it was suspected resulting from suspect bird flu. Casualty had the initials the SD, 41, the resident Klipang, Semarang. SD died around struck 03,30 after could undergo the maintenance for one half of the hour in RSUP Kariadi.

The patient was reconciled from Panti Wilasa earlier (yesterday) struck 02,00 dawns, and at once were treated in the Intensive Care Unit (UGD). Strike 03,00, the patient was moved to space of ICU. However half of the hour afterwards, the patient could not have been helped.

The death of this SD increased the number of patients died resulting from the virus avian influenza (AI) that was treated in RSUP Kariadi. The first case happened in 2006, afterwards in November then, that killed DS, the resident Medoho, Gayamsari.

The above translation describes the death of a suspect H5N1 patient from Semarang, Indonesia.  The patient dies shortly after transfer to the infectious disease hospital, so lab confirmation remains uncertain.  As noted in the translation, the assumption is that the patient was H5N1 infected.

An earlier patient also died and was lab confirmed, based on statements by the attending physician.  However, the Ministry of Health denied that the lab results were positive.

The death of these patients and failure to confirm / report these cases increases concerns associated with H5N1 expansion in Indonesia.

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