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State of Emergency Call Linked To Uganda Ebola Spread
Recombinomics Commentary
December 7, 2007

MPs yesterday unanimously asked the government to immediately declare a State-of-emergency over the rapidly spreading Ebola epidemic and impose quarantine on already affected areas in western Uganda.

"We need to take radical measures if we are to save our people from this deadly virus," Theodore Ssekikubo, the MP for Rwemiyaga constituency in Ssembabule district, said.

In the afternoon plenary session dominated by the Ebola debate, most MPs called on the government not to drag its feet when people are dying in the countryside.

"Ebola is a serious disease and the government must declare all affected areas a no-go area.

The above comments call for a state of emergency in western Uganda, but recent reports suggest the disease may have already spread to the eastern border and cover most of southern Uganda (see satellite map). 

Most of the cases are in and around Bundibugyo, but the confirmed and suspect cases have led to monitoring of border crossings by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Kenya.

The recent deaths of health care workers have emptied the hospitals of both patients and health care workers.  The fleeing patients could spread the virus, which appears to be readily transmitted.  Over 330 contacts are being monitored, but patient avoidance of hospitals will create additional contact tracing problems.

More information on the sequence of the new strain, which is likely a recombinant, and further confirmation of suspect cases will be useful.

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