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Paradigm Shift Intervention Monitoring | Audio: Jan28 Apr21 Sep22
Commentary Five
Suspect H5N1
Patients In Thailand Two of the suspected bird flu patients are from Karb Cheong District, another two from Muang and Sanom districts, and one is Cambodian. The above comments describe five suspect H5N1 patients in Thailand, near the Cambodian border (see satellite map). These patients are not near the H5N1 outbreaks reported by Thailand last month, which were in northern Thailand. OIE reports have been filed for those outbreaks, and sequences have already been made public. The sequences were clade 1, which cause human fatalities in Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia on 2004 and 2005. Cambodia has not reported any recent outbreaks, and the outbreaks reported by Vietnam were also not near the above location. The same is true for outbreaks in Laos. (see satellite map). The sequences released from outbreaks in Vietnam and Laos last year were the Fujian strain (clade 2.3), and have also been isolated from fatal cases. More information on the outbreak in poultry as well as more detail on the suspect patients would be useful. Recombinomics
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