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Paradigm Shift Intervention Monitoring | Audio: Jan28 Apr21 Sep22
Commentary Confirmed
Spread to Northeastern Assam India The above comments describe the dramatic spread of H5N1 within Assam. Dibrugarh is in the far northeast corner of Assam (see updated map). It is 200 miles from the confirmed cases in Assam and 400 miles from the confirmed outbreak in Bangladesh (see satellite map), strongly suggesting that the spread is due to long range migratory birds and H5N1 is spreading unreported in areas between these two recently confirmed outbreaks. Dibrugarh is near Mouling and Nampapha National Parks in Arunachal Pradesh, which is in the far northeast corner of India. The 200 miles to the closest border with Bangladesh make Bangladesh an unlikely source for this outbreak. The long distance between the confirmed outbreaks in Dibrugarh and Bangladesh, support rumors of additional outbreaks in West Bengal and Bangladesh and suggest confirmation of multiple additional outbreaks in India and Bangladesh are likely. Recombinomics
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