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Fujian H5N2 Fraser Valley Sites Increase To Nine
Recombinomics Commentary
December 12, 2014 23:50

Four (4) additional outbreaks were confirmed since the previous report. All outbreaks are located in the same small area in the province of British Columbia.

The above comments from the December 12 CFIA OIE report increases the number of confirmed sites to 9 (see map).  The continuing spread is not unexpected.

The report also noted that the H5N2 was a reassortant with 5 gene segments closely related to Fujian H5N8 (clade 2.3.4), including H5, and three gene segments related to North American wild birds, including N2.  Although Fujian H5 has been reported in H5N1, H5N2, H5N5, H5N6, H5N8, it has never been associated with a constellation of genes with North American lineages.

However, a similar mixing of lineages from distinct geographic areas was seen in H1N1 which had two Eurasian gene segments (N1 and MP) with six North American genes.  Thus far, H5N8 has not been reported in humans, but H5N6 was seen in Laos, and H5N1 has been reported in human cases in China since 2006.

The H5N8 genes confirms a wild bird origin, which raises concerns for hunters and organic poultry framers in Canada, as well as farms in countries to the south including the United States with backyard poultry in major metropolitan areas like Seattle, where small personal holdings have grown in popularity.

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