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Paradigm Shift Intervention Monitoring | Commentary . H5N1 In Wild Birds in Thailand Recombinomics Commentary December 13, 2004 ""The infected local species were identified as the Little Cormorant, Asian Openbill, Scaly-breasted Munia (Spotted Munia), Red Turtle-Dove, Black Drongo and pigeon.<< H5N1 in wild birds in Thailand provides more opportunities for dual infections with more varieties of H9N2 leading to more recombination and more chances of H5N1 emerging with human receptor binding sequences. Such a recombination could just involve birds and would not require dual infections in humans or swine. As H5N1 spreads to more wild species, the spread increase the likelihood of a pandemic strain having a 70% case fatality rate and human receptor binding sequences (from H9N2). Media link |
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