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Ebola in Philippine Swine Increases Testing
Recombinomics Commentary 14:09
December 15, 2008

She said the WHO was informed about the Ebola-Reston virus among pigs around the third week of November but the infection was discovered as early as May this year. Laboratory results confirming the presence of Ebola-Reston virus were confirmed only in October

The above comments indicate the discovery of Ebola in Philippine swine (see updated map)was not due to a lab artifact and was disclosed long after it was initially identified.  The announcement was accompanied by comments on human health linked to the Reston strain, since the Reston strain has not been shown to cause disease in humans.

However, the confirmation of Ebola in swine raises concerns of other strains in other swine.  Although the Reston strain was identified in Reston, Virginia, its origin was primates fro the Philippines.  Thus, finding the Reston strain in Philippine swine is not as unexpected as other strains.

However, the atypical PPRS in the Philippines has been reported in other countries, including Vietnam and China, and the virus has been found in association with other bacterial or viral infections.  In the Philippines, some swine had PPRS, a circovirus, and Ebola.

In China in 2005, swine deaths were associated with a bacterial infection Streptococcus suis, which was unexpected because the infection had not been previously associated with fatal infections in adult swine or humans, and several humans who had contact with the swine were fatally infected.

At the time, some media reports attributed the outbreak to Ebola and the reports cited several strains that were in circulation in China, but denied by the government.

The identification of Reston-Ebola in Philippine swine has lead to the call for more extensive screening of Ebola.  In light of the reports from China, such searches should include broadly reactive probes that would not be limited to the Reston strain of Ebola.

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