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H1N1pdm09 Confirmed As The Mystery Fatal Disease In Texas
Recombinomics Commentary 23:45
December 18, 2013

As of Wednesday afternoon, there has been one confirmed case of H1N1 virus. Of the eight reported cases, four patients have deceased. Of the remaining four cases in an area hospital, one case has tested positive for the H1N1 virus. Two of the patients tested negative for all flu viruses. Montgomery County Public Health District is awaiting test results for the remaining patient.

The above comments from the Montgomery County Public Health District confirm that the “mystery illness” in the 8 patients at The Conroe Regional Medical Center was H1N1pdm09, as expected. The
detail audio report by Dr Mark Escott, Deputy Health Authority, MCDH described classical symptoms for H1N1pdm09, and the age of the patients (41-65) matched those who commonly develop serious complications, including death.  Although 95% of the flu in the US, including Texas, is influenza A, and 95% of the influenza A is H1N1pdm09, the rapid test failed to detect the virus in any of the patients (which was the “case definition” for the “mystery disease".)

Claims were made that they patients did not have a common type of influenza, even though patients were infected with the dominant strain currently in circulation.  Moreover, the audio noted that flu is more serious in the very young and very old, which is true for H3N2, but is demonstrably false for H1N1pdm09.

The failure to detected the etiological agent in the four fatal cases (which clearly was H1N1pdm09) signals an abysmal health care system which relies on a notoriously insensitive rapid test to misdiagnose critically ill patients.

Unfortunately, the fiasco in Montgomery County is the norm nationwide, where patients needlessly die because hospitals use a lethal test to mis-diagnose influenza.

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