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Paradigm Shift Intervention Monitoring | Commentary More H5N1 in Beni Suef Egypt Recombinomics Commentary December 19, 2007 Veterinary Directorate decided jointly with the Directorate of Security of Beni Suef executions 4 thousand chickens poultry farm Bba status of being infected with Avian. The sample of farm Valjugi safe La Iskandar status Bba proved positive infected contracted the bird flu. The above translation describes a new H5N1 outbreak in Beni Suef in Egypt, Although there was an extensive immunization campaign in Egypt, there have now been multiple poultry and backyard farm bird flu outbreaks in recent weeks. Sequences from these new outbreaks will be of interest. In 2007 Egypt had many outbreaks in backyard holdings (see satellite map) as well as human cases. Although the sequences were more complex than those seen in human and poultry samples in early 2006, the sequences maintained the earlier regional markers. Recent outbreaks in Europe have involved the Uva Lake strain, which was in Kuwait in early 2007, but not Egypt. The recent outbreaks in Europe suggest the Uva Lake strain may also migrate into Egypt. Currently there is a suspect case in Kuwait, and several confirmed cases in Pakistan. Sequences from these recent cases have not been described, but they are likely to be the Uva Lake strain. One of the clusters in Pakistan has been large. The Human to human transmission chain is long, and may lead to similar clusters in regions downstream, such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. Media Sources Recombinomics Presentations Recombinomics Publications Recombinomics Paper at Nature Precedings |
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