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Vaccine Resistant H5N1 In Jiangsu China is Clade 7
Recombinomics Commentary 18:54
December 19, 2008

Wu said that the mutant H5N1 virus found in the two cities were similar to the one found on sample chickens in north China's Shanxi Province in 2006.

China has developed effective vaccines to fight the virus.

"The vaccine has been sent to poultry farmers for free. The vaccination work will be finished by Saturday," he said.

The above comments indicate the vaccine-resistant H5N1in Jiangsu province (see updated map) is clade 7 and closely related to A/chicken/Shangxi/02/2006 which was from an outbreak that began in 2005 but was not controlled until 2006 even though OIE reports described three different vaccines used to try to bring outbreaks under control.

The sequence for that outbreak has been released and it had a large number of non-synonymous changes, including multiple changes in or near the receptor binding domain.  Moreover, clade 7 had been isolated from the first confirmed case in China, A/Beijing/1/2003, and appears to be circulating in Vietnam also.

Although the recent OIE report indicated the H5N1 was isolated from asymptomatic poultry, the outbreaks in 2005/2006 were lethal (in the 2006 outbreak 20% of the birds had died prior to culling – most of the birds had died in 2005).

Release of sequence data from the Jiangsu outbreak would be useful.

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