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H1N1 S188T Speads to Whitechapel United Kingdom
Recombinomics Commentary 19:00
December 20, 2010

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) has released four sets of sequences (at GISAID) from cases at the UK.  The three most recent sequences were collected in October and November and the most recent case (2M) was collected November 28, 2010 (A/England/4880374/2010).  This sequence had S188T (see list here) as well as associated changes, T1056C (see list here) and A1403G (see list here), indicating these polymorphisms were spreading via clonal expansion.

The sequences from the UK have been of interest because of the recent reports of severe and fatal cases.  The above sequence was from Whitechapel, and distinct from a Whitechapel sequence, A/England/4780352/2010, collected a month earlier.  Similarly, the relationship between these four sequences with the result severe and fatal cases is unknown.

However, S188T is of interest because it is adjacent to the receptor binding position 190, and the fixing of H274Y was associated with changes flanking this position (A193T as well as a least one change are positions 187, 189, and 196).  The emergence of these changes was associated with vaccine breakthrough, which has also been reported for cases in Australia.

S1888T was first seen in swine in Thailand, followed by a number of sequences from patients in Thailand and India (which also had T1056C and A1403C), followed by patients in Australia, New Zealand, and Ghana.

The status of the child above (2M) and sequences from the recent severe and fatal cases in the UK would be useful.  The prompt release of the above sequences by the HPA is commendable.

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