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Hospitalized Neighbor Increases Semarang H5N1 Cluster
Recombinomics Commentary 20:51
December 22, 2008

like the TUR, the condition of JAS when being treated in RSD Sunan Kalijaga worrying. The condition for his body continued to descend, the patient experienced breathless, as well as hot the high body was similar to the sign of bird flu.

JAS also could direct contact with the poultry around his house.

JAS was the neighbour of TUR.

For first help, JAS was treated in the Karangtengah Community Health Centre as well as was given medicine tamiflu. Because his condition worsened, JAS was run off with to the hospital.

The patient had finally been reconciled by us again to Kariadi Semarang.

The above translation describes the hospitalization of the neighbor of the most recent H5N1 suspect case, TUR, in the geograhic cluster near Semarang (see updated map).  Like the earlier case, JAS was initially treated at a local hospital and when the patient's condition declined, in spite of Tamiflu treatment, tansfer to RSUP Kariadi was made.

Both current patients are in isolation and being treated by the same attending physician who said the index case (15F) was lab confirmed by the government labs and detailed in wire service reports.  The positive lab results were then denied by the Ministry of Health.

The current cluster has now grown two five. Two patients, including the index case have died.  The status of one patient (50F), from the same sub-district, is unclear.  The two neighbors are being treated with Tamiflu and in isolation.

H5N1 has been confirmed in the poultry in the village, but none of the five patients, including the index case who was said to be lab confirmed, are official WHO cases. 

This cluster has formed in the last month.

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