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Paradigm Shift Intervention Monitoring | Commentary . Swiminization of WSN/33 and H5N1 Recombinomics Commentary December 25, 2004 Analysis of polymorphisms in the swine WSN/33 genes identifies sequences found in swine and human isolates from around the world. Some of these polymorphisms are in newly emerging genomes found in the United States (including Ohio, Minnesota, North Carolina and Missouri) and Asia. The isolates are overwhelmingly from H1N1, H1N2, H2N2, and H3N2 isolates from swine and humans, so I have dubbed the acquisition of theses polymorphisms Swinmanization. These polymorphisms, previously called human / swine signatures, are acquired via recombination and are similar in concept to the Swinmanization of H5N1 sequences in Vietnam and Thailand, which correlates with expanded host ranges and lethal human infections with extraordinarily high case fatality rates. The details and mechanisms are being revised for peer review, but the WSN/33 swine sequences in Korea are quite real and quite dangerous and should be thoroughly investigated - immediately. Media Sources |
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