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Additional H5N1 Suspect Cases in Northern Egypt
Recombinomics Commentary
December 26, 2006

Pathological cases suspected of being infected with a new avian influenza in Beni Suef and Western [Al Gharbiyah]. Doctors at the hospital were surprised pathogenesis of Beni Suef appearance of the symptoms of the disease known Hoda Abdel-Hamid of the village of Blvia Amal Mohammad Omar from the village of Riyadh Pasha was accorded some medicines and drugs.

This brings the number of suspected cases of avian influenza in the bee Bank to 7 cases including 4 in the pathogenesis of hospital Mahala and 3 Hospital pathogenesis of Tanta.

The above translation describes four new suspect bird flu cases in two Egyptian governates, increase the total to seven.  These cases are in addition to the four confirmed cases in Egypt this season.  All four were withing 15 miles of Tanta, the capital of Gharbiyah, which is were three of the seven suspect cases are hospitalized.

These additional hospitalizations increase concerns.  Three of the first four confirmed patients have died and the sequence of HA from the first case had acquired a number of polymorphisms found in other Qinghai isolates in the area.  In addition, the first sequence has M230I, which is found in all three human influenza strains, H1N1, H3N2, and influenza B.

Additional information on these new suspect cases would be useful.

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