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Three Suspect H5N1 Cases in Nile Delta

Recombinomics Commentary 04:11
December 31, 2007

Detained dietary hospitals in the provinces of Menoufiya, and the lake yesterday, 3 cases infected with symptoms similar to bird flu, in the lake [Ash Sharqiyah] received Maj. Gen. Essam Sheikh, head of security, notification from the hospital salt Damanhour arrival Mohammed Khalil Abdel strong 40 years of Ezbet "Notes" Centre Kom Hamada suffer symptoms similar to bird flu, and send a sample of his blood for the central factor.

In Menoufiya, said Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health: The Hospital Dietetic Shebin Mound detained on suspicion of two children injured bird flu are: Nader Said Babylonian 5 years from the village "Alaptanon", the paper Ahmad Abdulmohsen 6 years from the village "Kafr Tunbdi" at the centre of Shebin Mound, pointing out that the blood samples sent to laboratories competent children.

The above translation describes three hospitalized patents undergoing testing for bird flu in the Nile Delta.  Although the number of suspect cases has been high previously, the confirmation of four H5N1 cases in the past week has increased the likelihood that the suspect cases will prove to be true positives.  In addition the spike in the number of H5N1 confirmed and bird deaths on backyard and commercial holdings increases the likelihood of an explosion of human cases.

The release of sequences from the human and chicken sequences from the recent human and poultry outbreaks would be useful.

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