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Recombinomics Publications

Recombinomics has begun submitting papers to Nature's new site, Nature Precedings.  The site allows papers to be viewed by the scientific community, if accepted by Nature's professional curators.

The site also allows for comments and voting (both require log in after registration, which is free).  Thus, the papers are "open access".  No Nature subscription is required to download the papers (or vote or comment).

Recombinomics' first paper, "Swine Influenza A Evolution via Recombination - Genetic Drift Reservoir" is available at Nature Procedings (where it can be downloaded).  Votes and comments can also be viewed.

Recombinomics' second paper, "
H5N1 Concurrent Acquisition of a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Diverse Influenza Clade 2.2 Sub-clades" is now also available.  This paper seriously challenges the role of "random mutations" in the rapid evolution of H5N1, and details the concurrent acquisition of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) on six genetic backgrounds in three countries (Russia, Egypt, Ghana).

Recombinomics' submission to the Proceeding of Options for the Control of Influenza VI is also now available at Nature Precedings.  This paper contains data showing the dispersal of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) onto multiple clade 2.2 backgrounds, as well as aggregation of SNPs onto a single human HA gene (fatal case in Nigeria).  This papers will put "random mutations" in the same category as "spontaneous generation" and will clearly demonstrate that H5N1 evolves via recombination.

In the next few weeks, Recombinomics will be submitting a number of papers on recombination, which will conclusively demonstrate the role of recombination in influenza evolution.  These papers will significantly impact the two basic tenets of influenza genetics, drift via "random mutation", and shift via reassortment.

In Press

Niman HL, Saad MD, Tjaden JA, Earhart KC, Monteville MR, Aly MM, Mansour MM, El-Sayed NM, Nayel AE, Abdelghani AS, Esmat HM, Labib EME-A, Ayoub EA, Arafa A-SA, Raczniak GA, Agyen-Frempong M, Ampofo WK, Boynton BR. Aggregation of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in a Human H5N1 Clade 2.2 Hemagglutinin. Available from Nature Precedings (2008).

Niman HL, Saad MD, Boynton BR, Tjaden J, Earhart KC, Mansour MM, El-Sayed NM, Nayel AI, Abdelghani AS, Esmat HM, Labib EM, Ayoub EA, Aly MM, Arafa A-SA, Monteville, MR. H5N1 Clade 2.2 Polymorphism Tracing Identifies Influenza Recombination and Potential Vaccine Targets. Available from Nature Precedings (2008).

Niman HL, Aly MM, 
Arafa A-S, El-Sayed N, Nayel AE, Abdelghani AS, Essmat HM, Raczniak GA, Agyen-Frempong M, Ampofo, WK, Boynton BR. Concurrent Acquisition of a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Diverse Influenza H5N1 Clade 2.2 Sub-clades. Available from Nature Precedings (2008).

Niman HL. Swine Influenza A Evolution via Recombination - Genetic Drift Reservoir. Available from Nature Precedings (2008).


Niman HL, Aly MM, Arafa A-SA, Elsayed NM, Nayel AE, Abdelghani AS, Boynton BR. H5N1 Clade 2.2 Polymorphism Tracing Identifies Influenza Recombination and Potential Vaccine Targets in Options for the Control of Influenza VI, JM Katz, ed, International Medical Press, London, pp 436-438 (2008).

Saad, MD, Boynton, BR, Earhart, KC, Monsour, MM, Niman, HL, Elsayed, NM, Nayel, A, Abdelghani, AS, Essmat, HM, Labib, EM, Ayoub, EA, Monteville, MR. Detection of Oseltamivir Resistance Mutation N294S in Humans With Influenza A H5N1 Prior to Ttreatment in Options for the Control of Influenza VI, JM Katz, ed, International Medical Press, London,  pp 464-466 (2008).

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